Monday, 2 September 2013

Sunday 1 September. Honstorf to Tespe.

This blog was written up 24 hours late. As you read on you will see why.

We started off about 9:15 after a good breakfast. It was colder than we've become used to so we both put on our wind/waterproof clothing. It was good weather for walking it being cool but sunny. First we got a good view of Lauenburg, on the far side of the Elbe whilst on our side we passed a very nice thatched farmhouse. The day had a much better feel to it than yesterday. For our NZ readers we've enclosed a photograph of some interesting brown sheep. Probably useful fleeces for weavers.

We passed through Artlenburg making good time and paused to photograph an old windmill and a nearby marina. Nearby there were modern windmills generating electricity. It would be interesting to convert the old one to do the same.

With the sun still shining we passed two horses in a field and I had to take a photograph as one of them had a similar coat to Flame. It was really glowing. The poor horses here are terribly tormented by flies. Some lucky ones have got head nets. 

There seem to be lots more flies here than in NZ and you should see the wasps in the baker's shops! They have to be seen to be believed. However we've also heard much more bird song here than in NZ.

There was also plenty going on on the river today with boats and barges moving up and down. I took a photograph of two barges approaching each other from opposite directions. Note the trees in the foregound, they were shortly to play a useful function in our story.

So far the day had been brilliant. Much better than yesterday. Then it started. It started with a small burning in the stomach. I took a sip of water from my backpack. All was OK for about 15 minutes. I then started wretching and had to quickly grab a toilet roll, no long distance walker goes without one, and dash for cover of bushes on the banks of the Elbe to defacate. Similar to the ones you saw earlier.

On trying to return back up the stop bank I had to drop down on the grass and rest. I was sweating and felt absolutely knackered. After a rest I did manage to get back to Shiel on top of the stop bank. That's when I really started vomiting. I struggled on for about 1/2 km but fell down to be sick again at the side of the road. I had also started shivering.

A woman living opposite heard her dogs barking and came to see what was wrong. She saw me puking on the grass. Remarkably she let me use her toilet which saved me a lot of embarassment. However I sadly lost it on the way out and threw up on her drive. We have yet to go back to apologise. She insisted on calling an ambulance and I was taken to hospital. We really appreciated her concern and generosity. A lot of people would have 'passed by on the other side'

For Paul's benefit, although sick in the ambulance, I  thought of him and managed to keep it in the trays I was given.

I have been put on a drip for dehydration and given an injection to stop the vomiting. Shiel is in the room with me. I have to stay in overnight.

I have never before experienced such a rapid change in wellbeing. The last photo was taken by Shiel whilst I was asleep. I had asked her to take one for the record.

The medical staff were very good and decided to keep me in overnight because of the dehydration. The top people could all speak English.

I will write up today's blog tomorrow as I am still a little tired and want to go to bed.

We were intending to walk to the Rennbahn but alas it was not to be.

 It is ironic that Shiel has battled on day after day with a swollen ankle, so we kept to schedule and the I go and ruin it all with a sickie.


  1. I didn't expect that ending to the day when I started reading your latest three posts! Hope that you're feeling much better now.

    1. Hi Gayle,
      Thanks for your concern, I know what you mean. I was really enjoying the day until it all fell apart. I've never before experienced such a rapid change in wellbeing. The good news is that I also recovered pretty quickly. After 3 or 4 hours in hospital the vomiting stopped, and after 24 hours I no longer needed immediate access to a toilet. However things took a couple of days to fully return to normal.
