Friday, 23 August 2013

Thursday 22 August. Havelberg to Ruehstaedt.

Just before 9am I arrived at Vodaphone. I was second in the queue. I got another 500MBytes of data allocation. However I couldn't use it today as I need all battery capacity for navigation. Ironically I can't use it this evening either as Vodaphone coverage in Ruehstaedt is virtually non existent. Emergency service only. Much like it has been at all of the small towns along the Elberadweg.

We left Havelberg by crossing over the Elbe/Havel lock and then we walked for many kilometers with the Havel to our right and the Elbe to our left. For most of the time we could only see green fields very much like the rural UK. A sign said we were not allowed to tread on the green bits!

I've posted a picture of Shiel walking beside the stop bank with bicycles coming the other way to give you an idea of our daily happenings. As we contiued we came to a bit where there was a controlled join up of Havel and Elbe. You can see both in the distance. This is only a part of the Havel output though.

From this point Havel and Elbe are very close to each other and eventually meet at a bridge at Gnevsdorf. We intended to walk between the two rivers and then cross the bridge at Gnevsdorf. However there was a sign saying the bridge was closed (gesperrt). We therefore crossed over  the Havel and then had it on our left. It was a very beautiful bit of river but it was very sunny with little shade.

For a bit of shade we headed in behind Abbendorf, a very interesting old village with an attractive church. We got liquid refreshment in the village just before returning to the stop bank near a straw bale figure, similar to one we saw a few days ago. On reaching Gnevsdorf the bridge seemed to be working OK and people, bikes and cars were going over it! At least the bridge sign was good for business in Abbesdorf.

The Elbe and Havel finally joined just below the bridge and we headed into the stork town of Ruehstaedt, where the last 4 pictures were taken, for our digs and an evening meal.

We got a very good meal at Zum Storchehof which was somewhat marred by a very large house fly population. We ate outside as it was a beautiful sunny evening. The old family dog, which looked like a small German shepherd, wandered between the tables. She was friendly but seemed a little deaf. We were surprised to find she was 18 years old and that she was indeed a little deaf. Her name is Xena.

This blog will appear, with other backed up episodes, when we have access to power and a Vodaphone signal. Today we walked 23.6km 6.33 hours.

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